Automating Data Entry With AI

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Welcome to the world where tedious manual data entry becomes a thing of the past! In this AI era of digital transformation, businesses are constantly seeking ways to enhance efficiency and productivity. A lot of business solutions of today are leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to make these enhancements happen. One such leap in business productivity comes in the form of automating data entry, particularly with AI. Data entry automation has become necessary in this world of big data. Previously this process required extremely custom solutions with lots of specific requirements, but with the boom of OpenAI and large language models (LLMs), we can create faster and more flexible data entry solutions.

In this project, I dove into the foundation of setting up an automated data entry stream. From the initial steps of uploading PDFs to extracting their text, and finally, to the exciting part – organizing that text in JSON format with OpenAI's API. But this isn't just about the 'what' and the 'how'; it's also about the 'why'. With this project I have a working foundation that not only automates data entry from PDFs but also sets the stage for building more advanced applications for business solutions. Enjoy the code!


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